EPM awards the civil works contract for the second stage of Hidroituango
- Fecha de publicación
- 2023-10-11 00:00
- Titulo
- EPM awards the civil works contract for the second stage of Hidroituango
- Contenido
- The contractor shall perform the civil works corresponding to units 5 to 8.
EPM awarded the CYS Consortium (comprised of: Yellow River CO., LTD Sucursal Colombia and Schrader Camargo S.A.S.) the construction of the final civil works for commissioning generation units 5 to 8 of the Ituango Hydroelectric Project, after a public tender process.
The contract for the civil works was awarded for approximately 1 billion seventy-five thousand million pesos and will have a completion period of 1,125 calendar days.
12 construction firms initially showed interest in this public tender, from which EPM finally received and evaluated three bids submitted by the following companies:
Todini Costruzioni Generali S.P. A.
Offer eliminated for not complying with some participation requirements.
China Gezhouba Group Company Limited
Bid rejected due to non-compliance with some participation requirements.
Consorcio CYS Conformado por: Yellow River CO., LTD Sucursal Colombia y Schrader Camargo S.A.S.
Offer accepted
Why a new contract?
Since the initial planning of Hidroituango, it was foreseen that the Project would be put into operation in two stages, each one composed of four power generation units: The first stage, corresponding to units 1 to 4, and the second stage, corresponding to units 5 to 8.
The contract with Consorcio CCC Ituango, formed by Camargo Correa Infra (Brazil), Constructora Conconcreto (Colombia) and Coninsa-Ramón H (Colombia), which were in charge of building the main civil works of the first stage, expired on November 30, 2022. The termination of this contract occurred due to the expiration of the contractual term and following the Consortium’s decision to decline EPM's request to continue the missing civil works of generation units 3 and 4 under a compensation system based on unit prices, due to greater efficiency for EPM.
As of December 1, 2022, the Colombian company Schrader Camargo S.A.S., after a contracting process, assumed the execution of the missing civil works for generation units 3 and 4 and complementary works of the Ituango Hydroelectric Project, with a good performance.
Contracting for the Second Stage
In order to develop this stage, EPM opened a public tender on March 10, 2022, in which 10 firms expressed interest and only one submitted a bid. This process was declared void, since the only bidder that presented did not submit the evidence that accredited a participation requirement according to what was requested in the particular conditions of the process within the deadline established for this purpose.
On April 24, 2023, EPM opened a new public tender for the second stage, which concluded recently on October 11, awarded to the CYS Consortium. By accepting this offer, the project’s schedule will not be affected. Moreover, it will facilitate greater economic efficiency, cost control and execution because EPM will pay the contractor under a unit price system, as was done before the contingency occurred in 2018.
The Company has been accompanied by the Attorney General's Office in this process as part of its preventive function.
Each of the 8 Hidroituango generation units has an installed capacity of 300 megawatts of energy for the National Interconnected System (SIN, for the Spanish original), for a total of 2,400 megawatts, corresponding to 17% of the energy the country needs to continue growing and contribute to the quality of life of millions of Colombians.