With respect to contracting process CRW 167467, whose subject is building the final civil works of Hidroituango (power generation units 5 to 8), EPM reports that
With respect to contracting process CRW 167467, whose subject is building the final civil works of Hidroituango (power generation units 5 to 8), EPM reports that
- Fecha de publicación
- 2023-03-16 00:00
- Titulo
- With respect to contracting process CRW 167467, whose subject is building the final civil works of Hidroituango (power generation units 5 to 8), EPM reports that
- Contenido
1. In the evaluation of the offer and during the correction period provided to that end, EPM requested Consorcio Ituango PC-SC various times to provide the information to help it accredit the experience requirement. Despite the above, the Consortium did not provide the information before the Assessment and Conclusions Report was issued and published.
2. On February 17, 2023, EPM published the Assessment and Conclusions Report, in which it was indicated that the presented offer had grounds for rejection in light of the fact that the national participant did not comply with the participation requirement of “Experience” in the contracting process.
3. On February 22, 2023, Consorcio Ituango PC-SC presented observations to the report within the term indicated to do so. They included complementary information related to the participation requirement of “Experience” and requested EPM to modify the results of the assessment.
4. EPM reviewed the presented information and, with the complementary certificates, reported the information was not taken into account according to the terms of the contracting process.
5. In addition, in the framework of the assessment of the economic offer, it was indicated that it had substantial deviations, inaccurate or contradictory information and unjustified amounts related to normal market prices, incurring in grounds for elimination.
6. Taking the above into account, process CRW167467 was declared void.
7. It is important to report that the National Attorney General’s Office, through the First Prosecutor's Office delegate for Preventive Oversight of Public Functions, preventively supervised contracting process CRW167467 in order to promote competition, the publicity of information, due process and objective selection of the best offer. In the framework of this process, EPM has attended to the observations and requirements of the control authority.
8. Having declared the process void, EPM will once again publicly request offers, for which it will request the preventive support of the National Attorney General’s Office and Comptroller General of the Republic.
9. EPM reiterates that this contractual process does not correspond to building power generation units 3 and 4, which are making satisfactory progress according to the project’s schedules.