Three Women Become Members of the EPM Management Team
The EPM Board of Directors, in its meeting held this Friday, April 30, approved the appointment of Martha Lucía Durán Ortiz, as Executive Vice President of Finance and Investments, Mábel López Segura, as Vice President of Communication and Corporate Relations, and María Cristina Toro Restrepo, as General Secretary.
- Fecha de publicación
- 2021-04-30 00:00
- Contenido
The EPM Board of Directors, in its meeting held this Friday, April 30, approved the appointment of Martha Lucía Durán Ortiz, as Executive Vice President of Finance and Investments, Mábel López Segura, as Vice President of Communication and Corporate Relations, and María Cristina Toro Restrepo, as General Secretary.
These appointments are part of EPM Group's commitment to gender equality and the access of more women to managerial positions.
Martha Lucía Durán Ortiz, Executive Vice President of Finance and Investments, is an Economist from Universidad del Rosario who has a master's degree in Economics from Universidad Javeriana.
She has more than 16 years of work experience, which includes the financial structuring of projects; negotiation and monitoring of public credit operations; and monitoring of strategic projects financed by multilateral and second-tier banks.
In the residential public utilities sector, she has extensive experience in the structuring, execution and management of strategic sector projects.
Her professional career includes the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, the Ministry of Housing, City and Territory and the Superintendency of Public Utilities.
Mábel López Segura, Vice President of Communication and Corporate Relations, is a social communicator-journalist from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, a lawyer from Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, a specialist in Administrative Law from Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana and holds a master’s degree in Political Studies from Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
She has extensive professional experience, among which the managements of Teleantioquia and later of Telemedellín stand out, achieving important results for these channels. She was also the co-founder of Cable Noticias.
Likewise, throughout her professional career, she has held different positions, both in the public and private sectors, in companies such as: Cosmovisión, Global Media, Emvarias and Fundación EPM, among others.
María Cristina Toro Restrepo, Secretary General, is a lawyer from Universidad de Caldas, specialist in Commercial Law and Tax and Customs Legislation from the same university, and specialist in Mining-Energy Law from Universidad Externado de Colombia.
During her working life, she has been head of the Legal Advisory Office of the Bogotá Metro Company, general secretary of the Medellín Metro, manager of EPM Labor Relations Management, general secretary of Empresa de Energía de Bogotá S.A. E.S.P.; secretary general of CHEC, a subsidiary of Grupo EPM, and legal director of Aguas de Manizales.
In the Sectional Judicial Branch of Caldas, she served as general secretary of the Sectional Judiciary Council and judicial assistant of the Disciplinary Chamber. She has been a member of the boards of directors of companies in the energy, public utilities and corporate governance sectors.
EPM welcomes the new directors and wishes them the best of success in the leadership tasks they are assuming, in that higher purpose of contributing to the harmony of life for a better world.